Product Code : -

Energy-Wise Warrior

This titan of cooling isn't just about brute force – it's a champion of green efficiency. Its innovative design and advanced motor minimize energy consumption, slashing those sky-high cooling bills to dust. Plus, its eco-friendly operation leaves a lighter footprint on the planet, making it a win-win for your budget and the environment.

Built to Battle, Built to Last

Don't let its sleek beauty fool you – this fan is forged for industrial warfare. Its robust construction withstands dust, grime, and even the occasional wayward forklift, ensuring years of reliable service in the toughest conditions. Think heavy-duty steel, weatherproof housing, and powerful motors that laugh in the face of wear and tear.

Cool Chaos Conquered:

Say goodbye to sweltering factories and suffocating warehouses with the industrial force of this mighty fan. Boasting a colossal blade span and powerful motor, it whips up a hurricane of cooling air, effortlessly covering vast areas like a refreshing typhoon. No more sweat-drenched workdays or sluggish productivity – step into a cool oasis of focus and comfort.

Technical Specifications